Learning Goals and Success Criteria - These LGs and SC will form the basis of all assessment, so they are very important. Should be glued into each students book at the start of the term.
Before we start on the first Learning Goal - a quick review of Year 7
Mix and Match Equipment quiz - can you get the right names with the right equipment?
GAME - Equipment and Name card flip game - Great, simple game, but pretty brutal - took me a while so be patient. expect to take a lot of flips, try to beat 70 flips (the site will count and give you a time and flip score at the end).
Experiment: salt concentration - practice our lab skills and how to write up an experiment (this is our first assessment item this term)
The learning goals and Success criteria for this year have been changed to reflect the changes in the newly released version of the Australian curriculum. For this reason, this page is should be consider "under development" and will be edited significantly as the year proceeds.
Learning Goal 1
Students can classify matter as elements, molecules or compounds and compare different representations of these.
Homework sheet 3 - Covers Learning goal 1
PowerPoint - more detailed than we need but good background for notes. Will use in class.
Elements, Mixtures, Compounds Worksheet - sample copy from Orb education, develops a good understanding of key terms. Hard copy here
Identifying Elements, Compounds and Mixtures - using picutres of particles, no chemical symbols (easy)
Identifying Elements, Compounds and Mixtures - cloze exercise and using chemical symbols to identify (harder - exam practice)
Chemical Mix-up GAME - match elements, compounds and mixtures. Type a random name in. Simple to play, but get more complicated, can play in pairs. (link in PWR pt above also)
Periodic Table - to colour in metals versus nonmetals. Has mass numbers not atomic mass and has no lanthinides or Actinides
The very first "periodic" table. The page has a great into to early tables of the elements, and a good video on the very first "periodic" table. Have to scroll down about 2/3 to the vid.
Small Blank Periodic Table (cut and paste) - has twenty spaces for elements, students write in (see copy below)
Small Periodic Table - complete with detail for first twenty elements. Project onto board, students copy the detail into their blank one.
The Periodic Table Song - we only need to remember the first 20 elements!
Worksheet - Elements, Reactivity, and the Periodic Table - quite hard for grade 8, recommended for extension students.
These resources are not addressed in this course but could serve as extension material
Atomic structure - good simple introduction
Introduction to Atoms - by Tyler Dewitt - clear, well paced, well explained, and correct.
Atomic structure - The more complex picture.
The Atom Song - song about key people in the discovery of sub-atomic particles
Learning Goal 2
Students can classify matter as pure substances or mixtures and compare different representations of these.
Introduction to matter including mixtures. - this is a clickview online video - will have to login. Has resources - including a comprehension sheet
Classifying Mixtures - this is a clickview online video - will have to login. Is very detailed and aimed at your top students. Has a quiz - if you download the "mixtures - learning resource", there is a quiz on p5.
Mixture - Solutions, Suspensions, Colloids - GOOD notes - will use as a powerpoint style. A copy of just the main 4 pics (so Students cut cut and paste in alongside thei notes) is here
PowerPoint which was auto generated from the above word doc (office 365) - not the same as above as the conversion process changed it slightly.
About now is a very good time to get students (with a lot of guidance) to develop a flowchart showing how matter is categorised into the categories of elements, compounds, solutions, suspensions, colloids. image on the righ is a good place to start (right click on it and open in new page)
Learning Goal 3
Students can compare physical and chemical changes and identify indicators of energy change in chemical reactions
Homework sheet - Covers Learning goal 3 (sort of - The LG has changed slightly)
Physical and Chemical change (and properties)
Physical and Chemical change - 6 mins, nice and simple introduction.
Read to Write activity (text only) - on physical and chemical changes. Could use as introduction to topic or to aid understanding. The annotated version showing the read to write stuff is here
Chemical and Physical changes PowerPoint - slides 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,11, 12 are great for notes. Nice and simple to understand.
Phys and Chem Change Worksheet Simple. Two pages plus answers (two pages as well)
Experiment - observing Chemical change - four pages long. Adapted from C2C. Four chemical changes to observe. No physical changes are included as they are ususally not very exciting.
Experiment - Chemical change Simple experiment with a few questions
Physical and Chemical properties - PowerPoint
Phys and Chem Properties Worksheet Simple. One page plus answers (one page as well)
Measuring and justifying properties - interesting and extensive text and experiments by RSC. Don't think I will use it in class. Hard copy also available here
Fair tests and independant and dependant variables
Variables and Fair tests - PowerPoint - Good. Makes the connection between the types of variables and what a fair test is.
Fair testing - types of vinegar and Bicarb of soda - 4 mins, nice and simple intro to fair tests.
Experiment - Bicarb and vinegar, Fair test? An experiment to follow the video above - how to conduct a fair test.
Experiment - Paper helicopters. Need the template below. Bit more rigorous. Identifying a relationship between two variables, graphing, and analysis.
Templates for helicopters. Print on paper of light cardboard. Guide to making them is on the instruction sheet above.
Experiment - Does Buttered bread always fall buttered side down? 3 pager, nice and simple experiment.
Learning Goal 4 (Assignment)
Students conduct scientific investigations using science inquiry skills, including investigating the effect of temperature on rate of dissolving (solvation)
A copy of the Assignment is at the bottom of this unit, just aboce the term 2 heading.
An example of an excellent Scientific report - this exemplar will be very useful when combined with the report writing guide mentioned above. Keep it as a reference for when you write your own reports.
A Guide to Scientific Report Writing - this lengthy document will guide you through the process of writing a science report. Keep it as a reference.
Variables – Independent, Dependent, Controlled, Categoric, Continuous - all you need to know about variables in Science experiments
Examples of graphs for analysis - examples of some very common graphs, which ones can you trust?
Graphing, Analysing and Concluding. - Graphing exercises and practice writing the Analysis and Conclusion for a report
REVISION for test
Guidline to making some study notes - older document and LGs are in a different order.
2023 Revision Sheet - 2 Pages.
ASSIGNMENT - there are two versions of the assignment. One is the regular assignment for most year 8 students. The second is the assignment for 8N, which is similar in many parts, but does contain areas where higher level of analysis is required.
2023 Year 8 chemistry Assignment - this is the "regular" version. Students should write their answers into the space available
8N Version - 8N version of assignment -this is the same assignment but simply adapted to be completed electronically using excel spreadsheets for data processing.
Learning Goals and Success Criteria
1 - Types of Energy
Learning Goal 1: Students will be able to recognise that energy comes in different forms, including movement (kinetic energy), heat and potential energy.
AsapScience video about energy - (3 mins) GOOD place to start. Lots of little relatable facts about amounts of energy. Not super connected to the science of energy but a nice place to start getting interested about why energy is a big deal.
notes for introduction to energy - good sources if you miss class. I will make notes using these. The first few pages covers energy intro and basic types of energy. Has questions. Hardcopy of original pdf is here
Handout NOTES and QS Edited and shortened version of above. Good for classwork.
The work above covers the first 6 SC. The next resources focus on KE and GPE, which are SC 7 and SC 8.
Notes for Kinetic Energy - good if you miss class. Several practice questions at the end. Note the velocity (v) is in metres/sec, not km/hr.
More complex mathematical explanation of KE eqn - explains why velocity is squared, but mathematically dense so beware.
notes on GPE (scroll down) - down this page a bit are some nice simple notes on GPE - good to use if you miss class.
GPE video (3 min) - bit corny but I liked it. By science geeks.
GPE video (also 3 min) - Old school. would love to try this in the classroom, but it is scarier than it looks.
Kinetic and Potential energy QUESTIONS - from the net and heavily edited and reformatted (still not perfect). First two pages on Kinetic and Potential energy knowledge and calculations. 3rd and 4th pages on transformation.
Efficiency of a ramp - simple to do, not so simple ideas! An experiment investigating how effectively a ramp turns gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy. This is suited to an advanced academic class. I will do this and model some data analysis for students - great modeling for the assingment this term.
2 - Energy Transfer and Transformations
Learning Goal 2: Recognise that energy transformations and transfers cause change within systems.
Energy Transfers and Transformations - Not an exciting video, but one of the very few resources which actually makes a point of the differences between these terms. Start at 3:28 as early stuff is energy types. Need notes on Law of Conservation of Energy, And transfers and transformations.
Identify common energy transformation in a picture - very simple but good visual learning exercise.
Worksheet - Energy Transformations and Chains Identify the type of energy involved in these transformations and draw an energy chain.
Answers - Energy Transformations
Aboriginal Inventions - pick two of these enduring innovative ideas and explain the energy transfers in them.
Making a "flipping" toy - video explaining how to make a simple toy which stores eleastic potential energy and converts it to kinetic energy, ie it flips up when released
Elastic band catapult - nice and simple, with instructions, even I could do this one!. Could make an experiment out of it and collect data.
Making a balloon powered car - a steve spangler video and instructions. Conversion of elastic potential energy to kinetic energy. Could do the KE calculation?
Making a rubber band powered car - if you have a little more time and resources (still very simple)
Elastic Potential Energy experiment - if you are after a nice simple experiment to do
Elastic Potential Energy EEI - if you are after a challenging experiment. This one is great practice for senior school report writing.
Revision for Wk 5 test
Revision sheet for the upcoming test. This is way longer than the actual test and completly covers the work we have done.
Answer to the revision sheet My answers so apologies if there are errors. Pay close attention to how marks are attributed to the calculations - this mirrors the test. Getting the answer right is only half a mark, the process and units are worth most of the marks.
3 - Energy Efficiency and Energy loss
Learning Goal 4: Understand and Investigate how energy efficiency can reduce energy consumption and impact society.
Notes for this LG (at bottom) - Scroll down to the red section at the bottom for notes.
Energy efficiency worksheet some calculations from given scenarios. Reasonably simple.
Energy efficiency worksheet - identifying some energy types and caculating efficiency
Experiment on Efficiency - simple experiment on the efficiency of bouncing balls
The Trebuchet
Trebuchet Assignment
2021 Trebuchet Assignment This is significantly rewritten from previous years, and includes a more senior style type of student report. My students have done significant practice at this style of writing (see data analysis book - top menu). It does still match the ACARA standards however and these are used as the criteria for the assignment. You could substitute the senior student experiment criteria if you like.
Trebuchet plan - outline for cutting and planning the construction. Note the two small braces for the front of the trebuchet are not on the plan (rectangular shape 12 cm by 1.5 cm)
Check out a picture of a trebuchet on the right.
Electronic data analysis booklet - you should have your own copy of this booklet, but here is a scan of my copy if you need it. Use to complete the last complex parts of the assignment.
Worksheet on Scientific report writing - Not so useful for us as we are using a style of assignment more suited to the senior style. Left it here for other teachers who may find it useful.
To do a similar experiment measuring the efficiency of a womera - checkout...
Explanations of spear throwing techniques - video taken at Kuranda village where some indigenous techniques for spear throwing are explained
Demos of spear throwing with womeras - video taken at Kuranda village. Demonstates the increase in efficiency gained by using a womera.
experiment outline on efficency of woomera - this pdf was a download from here. I could not link via this site so copied the doc to present here.
This term 3 unit has been completly rewritten through a collaborative regional effort here on the sunshine coast. Most of this work is not mine, and this unit will be coded for over time. The original unit on rocks is still on this page (below this unit)... bit awkward but oh well!
Learning Goals,Success Criteria, and Student Planner - All in one, two pages. Essentially a list of what you need to know and do (that's the LG and SC), and when we will be doing it (that's the student planner).
Section 1 - Structure of the Earth and Plate Tectonics (3 lessons)
NOTES - Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics (has questions). This double sheet and the next contain all the "knowing" for this section (we have an exam after all). can use this in pieces or as one.
NOTES - Why Plates move. Single sheet with a few Qs. Explains how and why the mantle currents move tectonic plates.
TRAILER - Journey to the centre of the earth - 2.5 mins. Need I say...NOT a scientific treatise of our understanding...purely enterainment. May or may not be a useful start.
Short history of the science behind discovering what is at the centre of the earth - WARNING - Teachers will find this interesting... maybe students not so much. See below for a short video.
Briefly discusses how we know about the centre of the earth and what that means. less than 4 mins, never seen this guy before, not bad.
- underneath the topic "Active Earth", complete lesson 1.1 "tructure of the Earth", and Check-in quiz 1.2 "structure of the Earth". I will probably set this for homework.
The students should understand how Temperature and Pressure vary (increase) as depth of the Earth increases. The STILE app asks students to do graphs of these two variables, but there are two pics on the right showing the graphs (which you can right click to view in full screen). I will print these out for their notes alongside their structure notes.
Simple model for structure of the earth. I have edited so it fits on 2 pages, and will print in colour 2 pages in 1. We will glue in the temp and pressure graphs alongside.
Structure of the Earth PwrPt - Good for some brief notes of each layer.
Name that Continent - PwrPt. Some general knowledge, don't "need" to know this but it is useful way to start a lesson.
Alfred Wegner, Pangea, Continetal Drift PwrPt. NOTES - brief ones on Wegner's main ideas. More detail than needed, especially regarding evidence to support his ideas, but all good to show students that while his idea sounded very wierd at the time, it was based on solid science.
how the mantle moves the continents - Encyclopedia Brittania video, quite good as it has some extra little detail. Less than 3 mins. Scroll across to the right (see under the video) and you will find a 2 min video on Wegner's theory... also good.
Simple video of a convect current demo set up. I will try to do something similar in class.
The traditional PANGEA puzzle (takes some time). Print page 4 and project page 3 (or print a few out for students). A quicker version (no colouring in) of this puzzle is HERE
Section 2 - Tectonic Plate Boundaries (7 lessons)
NOTES - Multipager describing and showing all the plate Boundaries. Brief checking for understanding. Probably need to set more of such Qs. Again - some students will find notes useful preparing for the exam.
Divergent Plate Boundaries - by Geoscience
Quiz to go with Divergent Plate video - multichoice and short answer
The terms constructive and Destructive are alternative ways of describing plate boundaries. Brief notes - Divergent = constructive, Convergent (subduction) = destructive
Convergent Plate Boundaries - by Geoscience
Quiz to go with Convergent plate Boundaries video - multichoice and short answer
Why is My Everest so Tall - not a youtube, but a TedEd; by Michelle Koppes
Transform Plate Boundaries - by Geoscience
Quiz to go with Transform Plate Boundaries video - multichoice and short answer
Plate Boundaries on world map - map and some questions so students can learn how to recognise the different boundaries and some of the geological features associated with them.
CFU - blank summary table - able which students fill out as an exit to this section on plate boundaries
Volcanoes PwrPt We wrote some very brief notes and what types of volcano is associated with what type of plate boundary and drew diagrams of the two volcano types (cinder (converent) and shield (divergent and hotspots)
- Revision Sheet - for mid-term exam.
Answers to revision sheet - my answers!
CFU - Revision puzzle - for layers of the earth and plate tectonics. Takes most of a lesson, looks complicated but is not really. Has answer on 2nd page.
Section 3 - Tectonic Events (2 lessons)
Earthquakes PwrPt Covers this topic well, and has some nice simple notes and graphics. Does not significantly address the two success criteria but good background.
How to detect an earthquake using S and P waves. This only covers the distance to an epicentre, not the whole 3 circle method). Stole this from Hewlett-Woodmere Public School District and significantly cut it down to make it simpler and more what I wanted. Original is here. Note this is direct link to the PwrPt, not the school.
Graph of Sand P waves times. Use this with the powerPoint tutorial above and for setting some questions (which I have not done yet)
Building structure vs Earthquakes - i really liked this, but it can use some technical language. It shows how modern engineering helps building resist earthquakes.
From this point forward, I cannot really follow the LG structure for this course - primarily as the SC in several LG overlap significantly. So I will not be using Section headings (which follow the LG's), but topic headings - this allows me to mix and match the SC.
Rocks vs Minerals (1 lesson)
Birthstone research. This doc has a research site and a table for students to fill out. The site has some great information for students to find out about their birthstone (yes, I know it is not a very scientific idea, but is a bit of fun)
Intro to rocks versus Minerals. This powerPoint introduces the idea that not all hard objects are rocks. Intro mainly, but has four criteria at the end which would be good for notes.
notes of the differences between Rocks and Minerals. We paste this into our notebooks (printout two pages to a page) and students make notes from the questions.
Rock Cycle (1 lesson)
WASP - the rock cycle. WASP is a Woodside science project. Their work is generally very good and there are a lot of resources for teachers here.
Intro to basic rock types and formation. nice simple intro to naming of the three types and formation...leads nicely to the rock cycle.
Rock Cycle...Irish style - By a Mr Bradley, Irish Guy. Not a bad job!!! does not make it complicated, focuses on the three rock types and ties it together with the rock cycle.
COMPLEX rock cycle - mike ammartano video on rock cycle. It is a more theoretical discussion of the rock cycle diagram. Excellent for thiose students who want a more scholarly approach!
rock cycle schematic and writing task - excellent practice. Has detail on each of the three rock types.
Cut and Paste Rock Cycle. Pretty simple, but not bad, and a bit of fun. I am not going to design my own!
Igneous Rock Types (2 lessons)
Igneous rock - good for notes. Two activities in the PowerPoint (identifying using the flowchart, and sentence remix) are separate resources below
Sentence remix (Ig Rock formation)from PowerPoint. Two to a page
Flowchart and example from PowerPoint for ID'ing Igneous rocks. Print in colour!
Sedimentary Rock Types (2 lessons)
Formation of Sedimentary rocks Good visuals, works with the PowerPoint
Metamorphic Rock Types (2 lessons)
Fossils (2 lessons)
Fossils - Formation and Dating Covers the two main points student need to know about fossils. Will takes notes from this.
Uses of Rocks (1 lesson)
Mining of rocks and minerals (2 lessons)
The following resources were part of an "older" unit on Rocks and the rock cycle, which has been replaced with the unit above - Unit 3: plate techtonics and rocks. As some schools may still be using the older topic (ACARA implementation now 2027), I will leave these resources together as a complete unit on this page. Some resources may therefore appear twice (once in each unit)
Learning Goals and Success Criteria - essentially a list of what you need to know and do. I work through these in class through the term.
Term Planner - week by week plan, includes assessment timing
Section 1 - Structure of the Earth
LG 1: Students will recognise that rocks are a collection of different minerals
Geological History of the Earth - by Geoscience
Quiz to go with video - multichoice and short answer
Structure of the Earth Worksheet - adapted from QLD scienceteachers.com
What are rocks and minerals? - Info sheet on rocks and minerals and their differences. Make notes from this. Reading exercise and three questions
STILEAPP Login page - . Complete lesson 1.1, Structure of the Earth and lesson 2.1, Rocks and Minerals. Each of these activities is relatively short.
Minerals - a more detailed look - Background info mainly, from the WASP site here called what are minerals - teacher notes.
Earths Elements and an Introduction to the Silicate minerals - by Geoscience
Quiz to go with Elements and Silicate minerals video - multichoice and short answer
Mineral identification Explanation - a 9 min video explaining how to identify a mineral.Nice and straight forward.
Mineral identification Procedure - another 9 min video demonstrating the techniques for identifying a mineral. Pretty clear about what to do.
Experiment - Identifying mineral experiment - Worksheet from Oresome resources site. Need some of the minerals in the refence list on p2. The tests are more or less explained in the video above.
Link to the "Big Science Competition - This year the competition is entirly online and you can self register for this. It is free, you can share this link
Section 2 - Introduction to Rocks
LG 2: Students will be able to identify a range of common rock types using a key based on observable physical and chemical properties
Introduction to rocks Worksheet - literacy exercise.
Introduction to rocks Worksheet - this is the original sheet (compared to the one above) and has answers to the sheet above but also includes a couple more questions
Additional Worksheet with info and questions on rocks - does not cover the rock cycle
detailed - Rocks, the three basic types - by ZME science. more detailed than we need right now, but good background.
Section 2A - Igneous rocks
Igneous rock video - mikesammartano.com 6 min video on igneous rock and uses a worksheet available with the video. Print out the worksheet as it plays a part in the video.
Naming Igneous rocks - Formation and naming of igneous rock by Geoscience
Quiz to go with igneous rocks video - multichoice and short answer
Igneous rock examples - clear pictures of common types of igneous rocks -intrusive and extrusive examples.
Exp on crystal size and cooling rate using salol. Have not done the exp using phenyl salicylate. It is a mild safety risk but can be used in junior school. May need to show students how to interpret the results.
Exp on crystal size and cooling rate using copper sulphate. Copper sulphate is also a mild safty risk, but can be used in K-12 years.
SC 10 Comparing Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous rocks - a youtube clip by London Jenks, 3 mins long. At one point discusses radiometric dating, but most is very direct comparison of extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks
SC 10 Notes Comparing Intrusive and Extrusive igneous rocks - scroll down a bit to a bulleted list, pretty good summary.
Section 2B - Sedimentary rocks
GOAL: I understand the processes making a range of sedimentary rocks
SIMPLE Formation of sedimentary rocks - Formation of sedimentary rocks, GSCE video. Shows formation of rocks. We will make our notes from this one. Key points are weathering, erosion, settling, pressure, compaction.
COMPLEX Formation of sedimentary rocks - can use this to fill out the same rock flowchart as shown in the igneous video
How fossils form - 4 mins. Simple and suited to the SC for this section.
Fossil compaction Activity - Bit of fun rather than an experiment. Uses layers of bread for sedimentary rock. This is the student booklet version, from earthsciencewa.com.au
How fossils form - Simple text on how mould and cast fossils form. Could use for students to write their own notes or get diagrams
Fossil compaction Activity - Bit of fun rather than an experiment. Uses bread for sedimentary rock. This is the student booklet version, from earthsciencewa.com.au
Fossil compaction Activity - The teacher note version of the experiment above
Sedimentary rock examples - clear pictures of common types of Sedimentary rocks -clastic, chemical and organic examples.
Worksheets on fossils - Note the worksheets are near the end of this pdf. I stole this from the NSW ED dept and cut it down, but left in some info (and a prac) in the first ten or so pages in case. I will use the worksheets in the last 6 pages or so.
Geological time scale - The last SC in this section discusses the geological time scale. Here is a pic of one.
Index fossils from wikipedia - Transfer the scientific names of these fossils onto a geological timeline. I will print out the left hand side of the one (pic) above and leave the right hand side for the names.
Section 3 - Metamorphic rocks
LG 3: Students will be able to consider the role of forces and energy in the formation of different types of rocks and minerals
Metamorphic rock video - mikesammartano.com 4 min video on metamorphic rock and uses the same worksheet used with the igneous and sedimentary videos earlier.
Metamorphic rocks - Formation and types of metamorphic rocks, by Geoscience
Quiz to go with metamorphic rocks video - multichoice and short answer
Metamorphic rock examples - clear pictures of common types of Sedimentary rocks - foliated and non-foliated examples.
Section 4 - Rock Cycle
LG 4: Students will be able to represent the stages in the formation of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and give an indication of timescales involved
Revision sheets 6 pages, good revision, but not a copy of the exam. Need to also study from your notes.
Blank Tables for filling out cards which we will use as a flip card memory game. The left space is larger print and bold - for the keyword or phrase; while the next box is smalleer and not bold - for the matching explanation. We will make these in class for revision.
Cards for flip card memory game on first topic -Rocks and Minerals. An example of a set up for a game.
Notes to cover our whole course This is a big file (about 60 MB).
Learning Goals and Success Criteria - this is the key document for know what to study and what we will cover in the course. I will teach this more or less in order.
Student Planner - maps the content of the course against the lessons available.
Teacher Planner - Not so useful for students, but other teachers may find this useful. Most of the resources listed will be placed on this site.
1 - Cells and Organelles
Learning Goal 1: I can describe cells as the basic units of all living things and explain the function and characteristics of their specialised structures.
Prokaryotic cells versus Eukaryotic Cells - Sounds complicated but a good start point.
BBC bites video on cells - a nice and easy introduction to organelles. May show this in class as an introduction to cells and will rely on the video later for notes
*Notes on Unicellular vs Multicellular More detail than we need but good general knowledge. Will use with academic class. Heavily edited version of a tutorvista site.
PowerPoint on Animal v Plant Cells and Organelles - will not use this in class but has all the info you need to cover the Success criteria. Don't print out, copy info out if you miss class.
*Short video on organelle functions and animal and plant cell differences Good visuals on this video and right amount of detail but combines the two topics (organelle function and animal v plant cells)
*Worksheet on organelles for the video above - fill in the organelle activity sheet based on the video)
Transcript of the video above - for filling in the organelle activity sheet based on the video (its a cheat sheet, so you don't have to continually rewind and replay parts of the video)
Table with organelle definitions Paste into your book. Very brief, need to know for the exam.
Organelle cards for mix and match
Cell diagrams of organelles -a plant and animal cell with organelles and labels. Complete the info for each label
interactive on cells and organelles - nice and simple. Has info and quiz.
Cell analogy worksheet - aspiring students should spend some time on the open-ended Higher Order Thinking question at the end
EXTENSION activity - Data Analysis - some data from actual research on microbial growth. Not exactly sure how I will use this in class. Probably look at each graph seperately and then all together. Definitly great practice for data analysis.
Experiment on osmosis Potato and Salt conc - nice and simple. Use more salt concentrations (in g/100mL - 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, and 12.5 - simpler for students.
2 - Using a Microscope
Learning Goal 2: I can safely and accurately use a light microscope to draw scaled diagrams of cells.
Not used 2021 SciShow video on the Microscope - covers history of the microscope including hooke and Leeuwenhoek, but not Pasteur.
Not used 2021 Microscope worksheets pretty much covers it! Hardcopy here
Steps to make a wet mount slide - onion cell description, adapted from a science quest document
How to draw what you see under a Microscope - 4 mins, simple and easy to follow, about right for year 8.
Section 3 - Mitosis and growth
Learning Goal 3: I can describe the process of mitosis and explain the function and characteristics of their specialised structures.
I will do some notes on the board for mitosis. Most sources are way too complicated), but the one below was a good start. I will try to clearly differentiate in the way unicellular and multicellular organisms have different roles for mitosis.
3 main purposes of Mitosis fairly straight forward, although not totally clear that two of the three refer to multicellular and one to unicellular. Also has a little on mutations.
Not used 2021 video called MITOSIS MADE EASY ANIMATION - and it is! - 5 basic stages plus cytokinesis and interphase. Good source of notes. The key points for the worksheet below are actually from the 20 sec mark to the 80 sec mark.
Not used 2021 Worksheet on stages of mitosis - to go with video above. Go for interpreting the key information in the vid (20 sec point to 80 sec point)
Not used 2021 Mitosis Flip book - great idea, found it in two places. I will just cut out and make a simple uncoloured flip book... still cool.. A hard copy of the 36 frames is here
Not used 2021 Mitosis in 5 stages Labeled diagram of the five stages of Mitosic
Section 4 - Plants and Photosynthesis
Learning Goal 4: I can describe and explain how plants manufacture essential nutrients.
I will write notes on the board for the intro to photosynthesis and why it is important. After the basics I will watch the videos. Then I will use the first word doc below to intro the finer detail.
Some simple notes on Photosynthesis - Has the key simple points about photsynthesis in a very readable (simple) tone. There is an excellent video on photsyn further down this page - starts a little corny but is entertaining and suprisingly insightful.
Simple crossword on Photosynthesis Stolen from here, and edited into word.
Detailed look at Photsynthesis. Has notes and Questions
Graphing and Analysis practice - Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis and leaf structure - Very clear and straightforward video, great for understanding how it all works. Has chemical eqn
Computer Animated Photosynthesis and leaf structure - less than 5 mins. Quite interesting and a great prespective.
Play from 1 min 40. Why photosynthesis makes glucose. - the second part of this video explains why glucose is so important to plants and thus explains why photosynthesis is so important to plants. Not needed for this course, but good info for academic students.
Transpiration simple explanation - simplish maybe, no promises.
Mid-term exam
Section 5 - Introduction to Reproduction
Learning Goal 5: I understand the importance of reproduction for organisms.
Notes on Asexual vs Sexual - 6 Pages, see left menu for topics, last page is ads and disads. This is a BBC site, simple and to the point. Good for notes.
Asexual reproduction simple but very clear introduction to Asexual reproduction.
Asexual and Sexual reproduction A very good coverage for notes - excellent prep for an exam
Venn Diagram for Asexual vs Sexual - Simple cut and paste of the key points.
Graphing Bacterial Population - Use as a graphing exercise but also has literacy and good checking for understanding.
Section 6 - Sexual Reproduction in Plants
Learning Goal 6: I can describe and explain the function of specialist organs responsible for sexual reproduction in plants
See diagram on right for schematic representing the part flowers play in the reproduction of plants
Sexual reproduction in plants - same bbc site, but pages 2 to 5. Good for notes.
flower parts and life cycle - not exciting but very informative. First 3 or 4 minutes good for notes. Really only need the first 7 mins for year 8
Picture for note taking from above video - download, glue in, complete while watching the video.
Labelled diagram of a flower. Here is a printout copy
flower dissection - good for year 8. Goes through a step by step process and data (sample) collection
Short summaries on seed dispersal methods - a New Zealand site so NZ examples, but nice little summaries
BBC site with short vids on seed dispersal - no need for notes. Recommend - Sowing the seed, Seed aviation, Ant aid, Life from death. Some vids do not play (site is not being maintained).
Online activity to guess seed dispersal method - do online,can be a vote. Transfer correct answer to this worksheet
Section 7 - Human Reproduction
Learning Goal 7: I can describe and explain the function of specialist organs responsible for sexual reproduction in humans
Sexual reproduction in Humans - BBC site, Good for notes.
*Introductory QUEST for students - Slighty edited version from TES. The original author is Plummagic at TES.
Notes on Puberty - some basic notes on Puberty, cut and paste in.
*PwrPoint on Male reproductive system - for use with word doc below (make notes)
*Male reporductive system - for making notes from PwrPoint above
*PwrPoint on Female reproductive system - for use with word doc below (make notes)
*Female reproductive system - for making notes from PwrPoint above
*Label the human reproductive organs TES site, an autor called Astronyxis. Excellent and simple. A hard copy is here
The menstrual cycle and the role of hormones - great explanation but a little complicated, see your teacher for some simple notes to accompany this sheeet. Slightly edited copy of a BBC page
*The WHAT is the Menstrual cycle - a TedEd video. Short and direct, not simple in a couple of parts, but does the "WHAT" part well.
*The WHY is the Menstrual cycle - a TedEd video. Really effective at explaining the "WHY" part of the menstrual cycle.
Information about current Assisted Reproductive Technologies available - this site has concise and up to date info on ART. Funded by the Victorian dept. of Health and Human Services
Revision for End of Term Test
Multiple choice questions - mainly on human reproduction. Lots of repetition and practice of basic knowledge
Flowering plant reproduction questions - Sheet to cover some of the basics on flowers. You need to know more parts of the flower than this sheet covers
Revision sheets - 6 pages - cells and reproduction mainly. Edited from a doc I "borrowed" from the net. No answers, sorry.
Temerature as the depth of the Earth increases
Pressure as the depth of the Earth increases
Animal cell
Plant cell
This was the trial one I made to see if it would work. The students built one (see plan on left) slightly larger than this.